The Slovak language belongs to the group of Slavic languages. Many say it is really challenging for foreigners to pronounce or learn it. Even though English is a piece of cake in comparison to Slovak, many people here still don’t speak it well. Slovak grammar is more complicated than you might expect. Nevertheless, we are putting our trust in you, and we believe you can manage to learn these short phrases, which can help you survive your semester or two in Slovakia.

Basic phrases

English Slovak
I don't speak Slovak. Nehovorím po slovensky.
I don't understand Nerozumiem
Do you speak English (French, German)? Hovoríte po anglicky (francúzsky, nemecky)?
My name is ... Volám sa ...
Yes / No Áno / Nie
Thank you! Ďakujem!
I am sorry. Prepáčte.
Please, ... Prosím, ...
Hello! Hi! Ahoj!
Good morning. Dobré ráno.
Good day. Dobrý deň.
Good evening. Dobrý večer.
Good night. Dobrú noc.
I like you. Páčiš sa mi.
Where is ... Kde je ...
Charge 5€ credit on ISIC, please. Dobiť kredit za 5€, prosím.


English Slovak
Chicken Kura
Chicken breasts Kuracie prsia
Pork (meat) Bravčové mäso
Beef (meat) Hovädzie mäso
Turkey (meat) Morčacie mäso
Fish Ryba
Schnitzel Rezeň
French fries Hranolky
Rice Ryža
Boiled potatoes Varené zemiaky
Baked potatoes Pečené zemiaky
Pasta Cestoviny
Vegetables Zelenina
Dumplings Halušky
Water Voda
Tea Čaj
Beer Pivo


  • 1, 2, 3 ... 10 – jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť, šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať
  • 11, 13, 13 ... 19 – jedenásť, dvanásť, trinásť ... devätnásť
  • 20, 21, 22 ... 30, 40 – dvadsať, dvadsať jedna, dvadsaťdva ... tridsať, štyridsať
  • 50, 60 ... 100, 1000 – päťdesiat, šesťdesiat ... sto, tisíc